People who act in a “serious” manner, often aren’t actually taking the world seriously.
August 2021Monthly Archives
We should stop conflating “sceptic” as in someone who doubts or requires evidence (a noble thing) with someone who simply does not believe a given position (whether rationally or not), e.g. “climate change sceptic.”
Popper says that collaboration among cultures leads to innovation, because, to collaborate, people must communicate via abstraction. I wonder the same is true of popular music groups: the excellent ones are that way, in part, because the group develops interesting abstractions.
An idea from my late father for dealing with totalitarian governments: Let them be, but with a single condition: there must be a safe, simple, easy and obvious way to leave.
“Billions of items transacted through a global supply chain are being replaced by software; and those digital replacements move through a completely different chain, which is dominated by companies that understand its control points.” — Robert Tercek
Bust one of someone’s world-views: you’re a pro; bust two: you’re a profit; bust all of them: you’re a prick.
The movie Forbidden Planet showed us the horror’s of one man’s “monsters of the id” brought forth through technology. I need a sequel, but realizing a mob’s monsters, or all of society’s.
Write down your grievances: from re-reading at a later date, you’ll realize how much strong feeling in the moment gets forgotten, alongside how much that is legitimate and important but is later forgotten, too.
Offense is taboo fighting against criticism.