The idea that certain things are “geeky” is an accidental agreement on the part of certain geeks and non-geeks to keep the rest of us from looking behind the curtain. Of course, sometimes there’s nothing interesting there, but you can only tell by looking.
December 2020Monthly Archives
“If the button is not shaped like the thought, the thought will end up shaped like the button.”—Ted Nelson
The most important future conflicts for freedom will be fought via information technology, and many already have. This means that any statement in the form, “I don’t understand: IT, computers, technology,” risks being synonymous with, “I don’t understand freedom.”
By 2030, Independent Publishing Will Eclipse Publishing via Platforms like Twitter and Medium
By 2030, more people will follow independent writers who, 1. publish material on their own domains and 2. use their feeds aggregated together so as to provide features similar to those of Twitter and Medium, than they follow via the aforementioned platforms.
The Kindness Game: A Review of “Kind Words”
Kind Words is not a meditation game, but a kindness game for which meditation is the optimal strategy.
Emergence is nature playing a positive-sum game with itself.
Which technology will prove to be “Lindy” over centuries? Unix, “sed” and “grep” are from the 70s and remain popular. Will our descendants look back, as we do to the ruins of Pompeii and find serving spoons like those we use today, and say, “Ah, they used sed back then, too.”
“Software should be written to deal with every conceivable error, no matter how unlikely; sooner or later a packet will come in with that particular combination of errors and attributes, and unless the software is prepared, chaos can ensue.”—Internet Engineering Task Force, “RFC 1122”
One should appreciate solitude but not drift into solipsism, one should enjoy company but resist the mob; one should be steadfast but not stubborn, one should be open-minded but still have opinions; one should love the world but be ready for death.
You can meet anyone, if you know the right people.